053: No Fear of Failure - Scott Miller

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Scott Miller is a 23-year associate of the FranklinCovey organization and serves as their Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership. Scott hosts multiple podcasts including FranklinCovey’s On Leadership and Great Life, Great Career. Additionally, Scott is the author of Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow. Scott authors a weekly leadership column for Inc.com and is a frequent contributor to podcasts and webinars. Previously, Scott worked for the Disney Development Company and grew up in Central Florida. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and three sons.

Scott started his career working for the Disney company and is the first person to tell you that he got fired.  He sees that as a big learning experience amongst many in his career and claims that for every failure, he has learned what not to do going forward.  For the past 23 years, he has worked in 7 different roles within the FranklinCovey organization, growing and developing his leadership talents as he helped others to hone their skills as well.  Scott is a look-forward kind of person and points to his family and faith as the strongholds of his character. He recently co-authored a new book, Everyone Deserves a Great Manager: The Six Critical Practices for Leading a Team, published by Simon Schuster in October 2019.

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In this episode we discuss:

  • Scott was fired from Disney and then hired by FranklinCovey, where he’s worked for the last 23 years. He shares openly because he believes it is important for people to be open and honest about their journey and any setbacks faced along the way. 

  • How friending-up has helped him immensely in his career and life overall.

  • Scott has worked hard to build his brand around generously giving back. 

  • He believes that the people who are successful in life want to give back more as they grow more. 

  • Scott’s favorite book on leadership and why he loves it.


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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


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