052: Follow your gut, not just your skills - Lisa Linfield

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Lisa Linfield is a personal finance expert, keynote speaker, course creator and host of her podcast, Working Women's Wealth. Lisa, a Board Certified Financial Planner, is the CEO of a wealth and investment management business, Southern Pride Wealth. She has two honors degrees, one in Financial Planning, and has studied at Oxford, Insead, and London Business School. She has over 20 years of financial services experience in the UK and South Africa. She's been featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Contemporary Business, Investing for Life and other podcasts. Lisa's goal is to teach 1 million women about money, how to make money, invest it and protect it. To that end, she has established her podcast which alternates weekly between featuring women who've achieved personally and professionally, and solo episodes in which she teaches to engage, equip, and empower her listeners.

Lisa started her career as a physical therapist following the advice of many influential, well-intentioned adults who told her that going to medical school was a solid path to pursue.  After a few short years in the field, she listened to her inner voice and moved towards the business world into an entry-level role in financial services, specifically banking. She was on the team that opened one of the first digital banks in the world.  Several years into a successful career in banking, Lisa fulfilled a lifelong goal to attend Oxford and earned a degree in Divinity because she wanted to be able to study and live as a student in a way she had not been able to previously. She then returned to financial services, got married, started a family, and a few years ago, started her own personal financial advising business.  

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In this episode we discuss:

  • Lisa’s scholarship and opportunity to become a physical therapist in South Africa, during a time when there was a power struggle in the country. 

  • How higher education works in South Africa.

  • Her realization that transition is challenging due to her concern about not meeting her family’s expectations and wondering if she was giving up an incredible career. 

  • Lisa grew up in a business-oriented household and how that informed her transition into the business world.

  • Lisa’s realization that “sometimes you choose transitions in life and sometimes life chooses transitions for you.” 

  • How she found her career and life happiness when she discovered work that gave her both passion and purpose.


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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


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