178: Storytelling that Transforms the Narratives of Lives - Corey Blake & Genevieve Georget

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178: Storytelling that Transforms the Narratives of Lives

This week’s Work from the Inside Out podcast is a little different than usual. Two of my previous guests, Corey Blake and Gen Georget, returned to share the work they have been doing to help people clarify their purpose through the transformative powers of storytelling.

Corey and Gen lead The Roundtable Storytelling Academy, which offers a series of transformational online courses that helps participants find their superpowers and articulate their origin story so they can step into their purpose, and redefine the relationship they hold to the narrative of their lives. I recently completed the 11-week storytelling course myself and can testify that it was an enlightening learning experience on so many levels. 

Together, Corey and Gen, and RTC are on a mission to share how powerful telling your story can be. 

Corey began his storytelling career as an actor, starring in one of the 50 greatest Superbowl ads of all time. In 2006, he created Round Table Companies (RTC). Corey spearheaded the conversion of best-selling business books into comic books with authors like Tony Hsieh, Marshall Goldsmith, Chris Anderson, and Robert Cialdini. That effort landed him in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Wired, Inc., and Forbes magazines. RTC’s clients have included Microsoft, Workday, Magoosh, Zappos, and ADP.

Gen Georget is an executive editor at RTC and a successful author in her own right. She is the coauthor of Gathering Around the Table with Earthkind CEO Kari Warberg Block. Gen’s own book, Solace: A Journal of Human Experience, was named 2020 Book of Year for the Ottawa FACES Magazine Awards. Gen’s writing and photography have been featured in The Good Mother Project, Oprah.com, Simplify Magazine, Her View from Home, The Good Men Project, Real Leaders Magazine, and Addicted2Success and she boasts her own online community of more than 35,000 followers. 

In this week’s Work From The Inside Out podcast, learn more about RTC’s Storytelling Academy:

  • RTC is also offering four mini-courses open to the public: My Powerful Purpose, Asking Powerful Questions, Heroes Journey Crash Course and Beyond Active Listening.

  • Corey and Gen have facilitated storytelling courses with in-tact teams in corporations, resulting in significant business, interpersonal, and individual growth.

Learn more and connect with Corey and Genevive here:





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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


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