124: Love Your Work - Darcy Roberts

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124: Love Your Work

Darcy Roberts wants people to love their work. For more than 20 years she held administrative roles across a variety of industries, including the arts, law, finance, banking, and executive search, working with people at all levels of the corporate world. Darcy had a natural gift for the work, but she didn’t actually like doing it. She had some interesting experiences during those decades, sitting in the front row to witness a wide range of organizational and leadership dynamics. Darcy’s last admin job was in the executive search industry. 

For her 50th birthday, Darcy gifted herself with a trip to Morocco, a small group tour with 18 people. She listened as various tour group participants talked about their lives and how they looked forward to returning home to their work. Darcy returned home with photos of herself sitting in the Sahara Desert with tears rolling down her face. She was absolutely miserable and knew that something had to change. Darcy resigned from her job soon after her return from Morocco. Two weeks later, she started researching life coaching training programs. That was six years ago and she has not looked back once.

Today, Darcy owns her company, Spiral by Design. She provides career and leadership coaching and works with teams to develop their collaboration. Her coaching superpowers include her intuition, a practical approach to real-world challenges, and a sense of humor. Darcy coaches leaders and managers to increase their leadership skills, effectiveness, and impact with their teams and in their organizations. 

In this week’s Work From The Inside Out podcast, learn more about Darcy’s  journey:

  • Darcy helps people figure out what is next for them in all aspects of career transition.

  • She is a certified facilitator of the Lego Serious Play Method and is certified to use both the Facet 5 personality assessment tool and the Birkman Method.

  • Darcy believes that when your heart, brain, and gut are in alignment, everything will feel right on track.

Learn more and connect with Darcy here: 


Have you missed previous podcast episodes? You’ll find all of the episodes of Work From The Inside Out at https://www.tammygoolerloeb.com/podcast.

Listen, subscribe and read show notes at www.tammygoolerloeb.com/podcasts/ - episode 124

Interested in booking Tammy to speak? Learn more about speaking and workshops on how she guides audiences through the skills and techniques that yield success by taking an interactive approach. Her presentations equip participants with essential tools that can be utilized immediately and throughout their careers.

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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


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