255: Listen to Your Own Inner Voice

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255: Listen to Your Own Inner Voice

When Rashmir Balasubramaniam was six years old, she asked her father, “Why am I here?” He laughed but did not answer her. She interpreted this as a message to stop asking questions. Deep down, Rashmir knew she had a purpose. It wasn't until she was 40 years old that she leaned into her true purpose.

Rashmir grew up in a traditional Sri Lankan family in Africa and the UK, with high, prescribed expectations. Attending university, she intended to prepare for medical school (her mom is a physician) but realized it was not right for her. Instead, Rashmir studied math and computer science and earned her chartered accounting credential while in her first job at Ernst & Young. Next stop: investment banking.

From there, Rashmir navigated a variety of career moves, always seeking to learn new things and to make a meaningful impact. These two threads have been essential foundations in guiding her professional decisions and the quest for her true calling. Rashmir took her work from the for-profit sector to explore several nonprofit sector roles, including a 5-year engagement with the Gates Foundation on a newly formed team dedicated to identifying new areas of giving which became their Global Development Program.

Today, Rashmir coaches leaders who have bold visions for change that they want to bring to the world. She also offers team coaching, strategic consultations, speaking, and custom professional development programs.

Throughout all of Rashmir’s strategic career moves, she has emphasized:

  • the importance of listening to one's inner voice

  • the value of taking time off for reflection and growth

  • taking a balanced approach to professional development that emphasizes learning, impact, and authentic living

In this week’s Work From The Inside Out podcast, learn more about Rashmir’s journey:

  • Rashmir decided to pursue an MBA at Yale University to learn best practices in management and leadership as applied in social impact enterprises. 

  • She found her experience living in the US to be eye-opening and transformative. 

  • Rashmir highlights the power of meditation, coaching, and inner reflection in navigating career transitions and aligning work with purpose.

 Listen, subscribe and read show notes at www.tammygoolerloeb.com/podcasts/ - episode 255

Interested in booking Tammy to speak? Learn more about speaking and workshops on how she guides audiences through the skills and techniques that yield success by taking an interactive approach. Her presentations equip participants with essential tools that can be utilized immediately and throughout their careers.

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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


256: Don't Be Afraid to Try Something Different with Kelly K James


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