133: I'll Always Bet on Me - Alison Arnoff

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133: Ill Always Bet on Me

When Alison Arnoff was in fifth grade her teacher called home to discuss an issue with her parents. Apparently, Alison was making the boys angry because she was always raising her hand in math class before them. Her mother responded by suggesting that she be placed in the advanced class. The teacher said Alison is already there. Her mother had nothing more to offer. Alison shared with me, “...how grateful I am to have been raised by parents that didn't discourage me from being bright and quick, exploring the things that made me happy.” In high school, her physics and calculus teachers introduced her to the field of engineering. She went to college and grad school earning degrees in computer and electrical engineering. Additionally, Alison was a Division I competitive swimmer during her undergrad years.

Alison realized that many of her peers were carrying around very different messages with regard to their capabilities, future prospects, and expectations than she had been raised with. She calls these “inherited beliefs”, in that you let other people’s stories become your stories. Her experience as a woman in a highly technical field as engineering made her stand out and presented her with as many opportunities as challenges. As you can imagine, Alison focused on the positive as she always wanted to learn more and was not afraid to dip her toes into new waters. She worked in seven different startups, six of which were successful.

After 25 years in industry and startups, Allison stopped having fun because the work felt out of alignment with her values. Instead of focusing on technical sales, she wanted to be of service so she got her coaching certification. She developed a framework for working with clients on their goals while offering room for creative approaches, breakthroughs and growth. Alison helps them positively impact their career by improving their leadership skills and the company’s bottom line by raising productivity, engagement, and retention of their teams. 

In this week’s Work From The Inside Out podcast, learn more about Alison’s work today:

  • Alison is a thinking partner with her clients, helping them maximize their strengths while identifying their blind spots and biases.

  • She explores all facets of their business, culture, and uniqueness to help them formulate a successful strategy for themselves and their companies.

 Learn more and connect with Alison here:


Have you missed previous podcast episodes? You’ll find all of the episodes of Work From The Inside Out at https://www.tammygoolerloeb.com/podcast.

Listen, subscribe and read show notes at www.tammygoolerloeb.com/podcasts/ - episode 133

Interested in booking Tammy to speak? Learn more about speaking and workshops on how she guides audiences through the skills and techniques that yield success by taking an interactive approach. Her presentations equip participants with essential tools that can be utilized immediately and throughout their careers.

Interested in individual or group coaching with Tammy?  Learn more about her coaching service.

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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


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