189: Create Ultrahabits to Develop Self-Mastery - RJ Singh

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189: Create Ultrahabits to Develop Self-Mastery

RJ Singh has lived a double life more than once. He loved it in some respects because it was dynamic, yet he chooses to live quite differently these days. 

Born in Australia, RJ and his family moved to the San Francisco Bay area when he was four years old, where his Dad joined his uncle in a cleaning business. He describes those early years as a “typical immigrant family with lots of big gatherings and cousins to hang with,” yet RJ  reports that he felt as if he did not know who he was. He was a very active, high-energy kid and a talented soccer player in the Olympics development program. RJ was also intellectually bright, yet his active behavior in school was considered to be disruptive, and by seventh grade, he was getting suspended from school regularly. In high school, RJ was getting into alcohol and drug use. Thus began his double life between athletics and drug use. By 14, he easily fell into addictions, which continued into his twenties, along with many run-ins with the law, jail time, and periodic stays in rehab

RJ started to deal drugs to support his addictions. He says this was the first time he felt a solid sense of identity. Again, he was living a double life. After more than a decade of involvement in the juvenile justice system and struggling with his addictions, he continued to deal drugs while attending a private university to earn his college degree. Eventually, he quit drugs but not alcohol while still selling drugs. Several years later, he became completely sober by committing to a 12-step program. 

Today RJ lives in Australia with his wife and two children. He has his MBA and works as a chief revenue officer, consultant, and advisor to many start-ups and businesses. He is an ultra-endurance athlete who is dedicated to the pursuit of self-mastery.  

In this week’s Work From The Inside Out podcast, learn more about RJ’s journey:

  • RJ’s mission is to lead by example and share the ultra habits needed to achieve ultra performance in all areas of your life.

  • He says that becoming sober required a lot of structure, and once he met his partner and they started a family, he had to learn to let go and be more flexible.

Learn more and connect with RJ here:






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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


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