157: Be Still and Listen to What you Want - Carol Parker Walsh

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157: Be Still and Listen to What you Want

Dr. Carol Parker Walsh’s early life was split between two narratives. Her parents divorced when she was twelve, then Carol and her mother moved from Menlo Park, California to the south side of Chicago. Carol described her father, with who she remained in close contact, as “a feminist before his time”. He encouraged her to seek a vocation she loved and not let anyone else make choices for her. Her mother painted a different picture for her future, urging her to find a husband to take care of her. Carol always leaned more toward her father’s sense of independence and ambition. What followed was a journey with a few bad bosses, lots of curiosity, and a deep love of learning.

During her college years, Carol worked in a variety of jobs and as a matter of course, she had some “really bad bosses who were unfair, unethical, and too harsh.” She decided she wanted to do something that really helps people protect themselves from those types of situations. She was considering law school so she went to work as a legal assistant in a law firm to learn more about the profession. She was fascinated by the work and decided to go to law school. Later, she focused on labor law, becoming the chief counsel for the Oregon Nurses Association. She was so highly regarded for her work on behalf of the nurses that she was invited to provide organizational consulting and join the faculty at the affiliated hospital and university system, the Oregon Health and Science University. She decided to go for a Master's Degree in organizational consulting as it matched her nature and values more so than law. Once she was in the master’s program, she was recruited to progress to the Ph.D. program.

Today, Carol works with highly driven female professionals and entrepreneurs to amplify their visibility and do the meaningful work they’re want to do in the world. She’s a certified career and personal brand strategist, life and executive coach, a TEDx presenter, author, international keynote speaker, Forbes Coaches Council member, Newsweek’s Expert Forum contributor, and a local career expert on the AM Northwest Morning Show.

In this week’s Work From The Inside Out podcast, learn more about Carol’s journey: 

  • Carol studied opera at the Chicago Conservatory of Music in Chicago.

  • She was in a near-fatal car accident just before her fiftieth birthday. It opened her up to what's important and how she was making choices in her career. It took six years, multiple surgeries, and a lot of therapy before she was able to say, “I’m ok”.

Learn more and connect with Carol here: 



Have you missed previous podcast episodes? You’ll find all of the episodes of Work From The Inside Out at https://www.tammygoolerloeb.com/podcast.

Listen, subscribe and read show notes at www.tammygoolerloeb.com/podcasts/ - episode 157

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About Tammy, host of
Work from the inside out

Prior to establishing her practice, Tammy held a variety of positions in mental health services, higher education administration, public policy analysis and fundraising. Her practical knowledge and experience in organizational development, program management and business operations builds a relatable relationship with clients striving for higher performance results.


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